Return to: Carrara Paint – Part 1
Carrara Pint Company Ad
As it appeared in Country Life Magazine 1906
Martin Luther Threw his Ink-well at the Devil – Missed the
Devil and Splattered his Wall. The Wall was
Never its old Self Again.
This same operation was recently performed upon a surface painted with Carrara. The ink was allowed to dry hard and long and then washed with soap and water. The ink immediately removed.
Acids do not affect Carrara Paint – neither does the salt sea air, alkali dust, corrosion or rust Carrara forms a hard impenetrable film over a half hundred of the most attractive and permanent colors ground into paint protecting them and keeping them as clear toned as when first applied.
And yet, Carrara Paint is cheap to use. It saves you money in first cost through its large covering capacity and easy spreading qualities, due to the care with which it sticks into the grain of the wood and clings, makes it almost a part of the wood itself. It is there to stay. It is durable and decidedly economical.
Send to-day for our free illustrated booklet telling how to paint your home cheaply and with the best results, also a set of fifty colors and name of nearest Carrara dealer.
CARRARA PAINT COMPANY, 244 Carrara Works, Barberton, Ohio