Posted in Barberton Rail, Norton Rail, Rittman Rail, Wadsworth Rail

Follow the A&BB from Barberton to Rittman

The terminus of the A&BB heading west along the former Conrail-Erie line is at Rittman, Ohio. Follow the tracks from Barberton, through Norton (Rockcut), Wadsworth and ending at Rittman. Street crossings along the route have been annotated to help you keep track of your location.

Additional virtual tours will be posted in the weeks to come. Be sure to watch the East-Akron Tour.

Rittman, a railroad town

Shortly after the Civil War, the southern section of what is now Rittman, Ohio (Milton Station) was chosen by the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad (Erie) as a station stop.  Then, in 1888, the Lake Shore and Tuscarawas Railroad (B&O) opened a station.  After several attempts at naming the station had failed, the railroad decided to name the stop after its treasurer, Frederick B. Rittman.  In time, the name became commonly accepted for the entire town.